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STS Packages
STS Support
50$Every monthUp to 30mins per month phone & email bookkeeping support- We will be available to advise & troubleshoot all issues
- Accounts/Payroll/file support and general enquiries
- We will keep you updated on relevant ATO deadlines
- Also changes to gst/payg/payroll/super
- (this excludes changes to awards & industry specific issues)
- (As BAS Agents we cannot advise on income tax matters)
75$Every monthReview & lodgement of your Activity statements- BAS/IAS Lodgement / Receive 4 week extension
- BAS/IAS Review & client advice on revisions
- Payroll review and support (up to 15 mins per month)
- Telephone & email support (up to 15mins per month)
- Does not include Accounting software subscription fees
- All extra Bookkeeping/Payroll work charged at hourly rate
STS Micro payroll
50$Every monthMonthly payroll for micro business- Lodge STP for up to 2 employees monthly
- Accounting software subscription included
- Add-Ons: Initial consult, payroll & file setup fee $100
STS Just Books
110$Every monthWe do the books & you or your Accountant lodge everything- Data entry & Bank Reconciliation (Quarterly)
- Bookkeeping services (up to 1hr per month)
- Payroll processing for up to 2 people (monthly)
- Quarterly & year end reports to Accountant
- Phone & email support (up to 30mins/month)
- Super lodgements are additional charge
- Accounting software subscription charged as add-on
- Add-On - all extra services charged at hourly rate
STS Smallbiz pack
150$Every monthEnd to end bookkeeping for sole traders & small business- Bookkeeping services (up to 1hr/month)
- Quarterly payroll for 2 employee (incl super lodged)
- Quarterly BAS lodgement/Annual GST reconciliation
- Phone & email support (up to 30mins/month)
STS Quarterly
300$Every 3 monthsQuarterly BAS Covered for small business - no payrollValid for 12 months- Quarterly Data allocation/reconciliation up to 2hrs
- Review & amendments to prepare quarterly reports
- Quarterly BAS lodgement
- Year end journals for tax preparation & reports
- Phone & email Support - 45mins / quarter
- (Software subscriptions charged in addition)
- Extra bookeeping services will be charged at hourly rate
STS Business
220$Every monthFor the proactive business owners with up to 3 staff- BAS/IAS Lodgement (Quarterly)
- Bank reconciliation (quarterly)
- Bookkeeping services (maximum 2 hours month)
- Payroll services for up to 3 people (incl super lodged)
- Business reports (Qtrly/Annual Profit & Loss/GST/Payroll)
- Phone & email support (up to 30mins per month)
- Does not include Accounting software subscription fees
- Add-Ons - Extra staff $30 each
- Add-Ons - Extra Bookkeeping services $75/hr
- Add-Ons - Training/Contracts/Financial Reporting $100/hr
STS Total Care
400$Every monthTotal package for businesses with up to 6 employees- Payroll covered up to 6 employees (incl super)
- Monthly data allocation & bank reconciliations
- Monthly/Quarterly Activity Statements prepared & lodged
- Telephone & Email support 1hr per month
- Bookkeeping services included up to 4hrs
- Quarterly financials reports
- Annual workcover & tax preparation included
STS Premium
550$Every monthFor medium businesses with up to 15 staff- Data allocation & Bank Reconciliation (Monthly&Quarterly)
- Business Reports (Quarterly) & upon request
- BAS/IAS Preparation Lodgement (Monthly/Quarterly)
- Bookkeeping services (to 4 hours month)
- Payroll services for up to 15 staff (incl super)
- Phone & email support (up to 1 hour/month)
- All BAS lodgements entitled to 4 week extension
- Add-Ons: Extra bookkeeping $75/hr & Specialty $100/hr
- Add $30 for ever extra employee
- Does not include Accounting Software subscription fees
STS Payroll Covered
150$Every monthTotal management of all payroll services up to 6 employees- Complete cover of all your payroll obligations
- Activate STP & keep abreast of all ATO legislation changes
- Keep up to date with Fair Work obligations/which Award
- Supply all necessary forms for employee engagement
- Employee setup in payroll & super clearinghouse
- Weekly/fortnightly/monthly payroll processing & STP lodged
- Terminations & other changes to employment engagements
- Year finalisation events
- Meet workers compensation lodgement obligations
- Process all superannuation contributions and payment advice
- Add-Ons: Contracts & other complex payroll services $100/hr
- Add-Ons: Payroll training $100/hr
STS Combination Pack
0$Want a few packages combined to suit your needsFree Plan- Mix 'n' Match eg STS Micro & STS Support $105/month
STS Bespoke Plans
0$For businesses that have complex requirements & structureFree Plan- We can develop a plan that suits your business
- With payment options by the hour or as a monthly fee
- See our Fees & services page
- Plans developed after initial free consultation
(prices shown do not include gst)
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