Moving Forwards
Are you way behind with your accounts or are your records a total mess and you keep avoiding them because you don't know where to start?
Many of our clients have reached out in panic as they are either well behind in their reporting, the ATO has contacted them about their overdues or they have received an audit notification and they have to take action, or simply because they have not set up the appropriate accounting systems and processes and they need to manage their finances for business purposes or a loan.
For some it is just that they are too busy to worry about the accounts, they have only just started their business and become overwhelmed by the day to day workload, for others they simply may not have had the training or did not understand what would be required to meet all of their financial and statutory obligations and reporting. The debts accumulate for unpaid tax and superannuation and all the hard work invested in running their business may be at risk because they did not setup appropriate bookkeeping systems from the start.
We are there to help and find the most cost effective method to do so. We will assess where you are and what you will need to do to meet your obligations and move the business forwards by analysing what is outstanding, advising you of same and communicating with you to put in place systems to catch up the backlog and fix all the errors. We will take all of those receipts, bank statements, invoices and any other records and turn them into the appropriate set of business accounts including your payroll or we will show you how to do this yourself if preferred and check accuracy before finalising. We will then manage all outstanding lodgments and/or lodge amendments where required and work with you to organise a suitable payment arrangement to get on top of any outstanding debt.