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Data on a Touch Pad


Alleviating Stress

No matter what type business or financial situation you have, our team of experts will provide the best course of action.

We offer a comprehensive range of bookkeeping services and solutions ranging from identifying the accounting software that will best suit your needs and budget, to purchasing, registration and set up of your accounting system.  We will work with you (and your accountant if preferred) to customise your Chart of Accounts, link bankfeeds, setup Customers & Supplies, employees, payroll, opening balances and all transaction data entry, setting up rules to enable the program to do the work for you, and bank reconciliation to complete BAS & business reporting.  We can import (or guide you to import) data from other programs, ensure your tax coding is accurate and show you how to register for online reporting with the ATO or we can manage and lodge all on your behalf with your authority (see BAS Agent Services).


We are very flexible in our approach and happy to work with and train you (and your team) to put in place and manage your accounting systems ongoing inhouse and/or we can do the work for you with a little input from you. It is all about finding the right balance for you and your business to maximise your expertise in the areas your time is most valuable and preventing future complications by doing things correctly from the start.

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